Angela's Blog

Monday, April 03, 2006


Today I forgot: my engagement ring, my umbrella (high chance of rain too), my keys, my wallet (victims of a purse switch over the weekend), and my cell phone. I am basically persona non grata.

I have lost the watch that I got last weekend (after Ed gave it to me for my birthday and then it didn't work so we exchanged it). It was a replacement for the watch I lost around Christmas time which was a replacement for the watch I lost the year before at Christmas.

I have a problem.


  • Yesterday, I donated an old pair of khakis to good will. I remembered our planned, matching debate outfits--jean shirts under blue sweaters, khaki pants and brown penny loafers. My favorite Angela fashion quote "Wear red to the final round. It's a power color!" KH

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 3:21 PM  

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