Angela's Blog

Friday, July 01, 2005

Bye Mr. Refridgerator. Nice knowing you!

So the fridge went out sometime yesterday. Ed got home and went to get some ice cream, and it was liquid. We ran a bag of stuff up that was salvageable up to my landlord’s freezer, but she didn’t have a lot of room. We itemized everything we threw, in the hopes that our renter’s insurance will pay for it, but it was really unfortunate. I hate to “waste” food like that. The land lord is going to call the repair guy today. I am guessing it can’t be salvaged. So much for a quiet evening!

Off to ND early tomorrow morning for the week! YEAH MINOT!


  • Hey, that's a huge benefit over being a home owner - you don't have to pay for the new fridge.

    I know it sucks to "waste food", but you didn't do it intentionally - hopefully that helps.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:41 AM  

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