Angela's Blog

Monday, September 18, 2006

Crappy Week #2

hhhmmm let's see...where to start. I guess from the beginning. Wednesday I was not feeling well at all and finally called my GI, who was out of town. I then called the on call Doc and he said to just go into the ER. So I did. Two hours later, I got out of the waiting room and into the ER. After some consultation, they decided to admit me. I went to the ER at 11:30 a.m. and was admitted at 9:00 p.m.. Woohoo.

So the ER forgot or didn't want to take my CT scan, so I went to the bottom of the priority list once I was admitted. After reminding the nurse about 1000 times that I needed one (in her defense, she did call several times). I finally had one at 2:30 a.m.

The CT scan revealed an abyss (infection) and inflammation in the area of my Crohn's. I was put on IV antibiotics. They told me I could go home Friday and Friday a.m. I was practically packing my bags, but they didn't discharge me until about 4:00. Nothing moves quickly in the hospital.

The hospital is by far the most boring place on earth. Ed came often and Brenda saved me on Friday. I watched a lot of crap TV. In theory, I would have caught up on reading, done my homework etc. but I had no motivation.

This weekend I took it easy. I am about as well as I did about a week ago--not great, but not in any really pain (pain didn't start until Wednesday). I am just tired. Really really tired. Tomorrow I have a follow up appointment so we'll see what they are going to do as far as treatment.


  • No way! I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick. Get better soon. I'll be thinking about you. XOXOOXOXOXOXO!!!!!

    By Blogger Ugly Juice, At 3:01 PM  

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