Angela's Blog

Monday, January 28, 2008

The challenges of even thinking about being healthy

I was looking at some gov. websites for work, and came across this:

You enter your age, sex, and activity level and it spits out the number of servings of fruits and veggies you need to get.

Easy enough...

BAM, I need 2 cups fruit and 2.5 cups veggies.

Not too bad, I think, that's less than "5/day". Then I read more about what constitutes a cup.

Sample day for me would be:
12 carrots
large banana
1 cup salad
1/2 a sweet potato

I am not saying it's not doable, because I think it is, but that it will take an effort to actually achieve this as in that I will have to actually plan/think about meals.

I am still in the "contemplation" stage of behavior change in regards to see if I am actually going to pursue this (at least this week).


  • weird, i did the fruit/veggie thing and my veggie requirements went up the more i work out.

    By Blogger pepp238, At 7:34 PM  

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