Angela's Blog

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sad day...

Last week was a sad day in our family. Our beloved dog of 14 years had to be put down. She had lost nearly all her strength and could barely stand up. We knew it was coming, but it was a sad day indeed.

Mom and I reminisced last night about the crazy Abby stories--her escapes and jaunts through the neighborhood and us running around like fools trying to coax her back...or the time she got out and went over to the school and was playing with the kids at recess. So many great memories...but it is hard to even write this post and think about her. She truly was a member of the family and like most pets enriched our lives for the better. I hope mom will write a book. We'll see...


  • So sorry, Ang. Losing a beloved pet is really tough - she was your family.

    The first time I ever met you was because Abby followed me home on a walk one day (I think in 1994). I called the veterinarian's number on her tag, and they called you. You and Danny drove to my house to pick her up. Do you remember that?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 6:33 AM  

  • I am so sorry about Abby. I enjoyed meeting her when we went to your wedding. Animals bring such joy to our lives and only want some food and attention in return.

    I am so sorry this is so late, but I had not read your blog for a couple of months. I only get to read it once in a while when I get a few free minutes. Today Jackson is napping and I really don't feel like working right this second.

    Again I am sorry. I will see you soon. Love, Kim

    By Blogger Kimberly Mills-Booker, At 2:02 PM  

  • Hi Angela,
    Sorry to hear about Abby, I know how had it is to lose a family member like Abby. I still remember Mandy.
    Kim told me about this blog and gave me the address so that I could add a comment.

    By Blogger Virginia, At 7:39 AM  

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