Angela's Blog

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

So I went to the Dr. today and was treated by new Dr. in conjunction with my old Dr. He was a fellow (is this after being a resident, Gretchen?). I will refer to him as Doogie from now on in this blog because he looked REALLY young.

Doogie thinks that I am lactose intolerant, but there is an off chance that something else in milk can irritate Crohn’s. In other words, he wanted me to try NO MILK at all. My face fell. I wept. I begged for mercy.

Actually, I did nothing of the sort, but I told him that giving up all milk may really not be possible. So I am going to try to be about a B+ with my lactaid pills and see how I feel. No need to be drastic—at least not yet.

Doogie also informed me that I my CPRs are about 72 (this is similar to blood sedimentation); a CPR just indicates that something in your body is inflamed or reacting. A normal CPR is about 2. Mine was 50 last time. I feel good though, so it is odd that I it is up so much. It could be allergies. He also mentioned as an example it could be anything in my body, a sore, cancer… of course all I hear is cancer and ask if I have it. He was like “no” and apologized for alarming me. Um, note to all Drs. don’t just throw the word cancer out there, k?

Anyway, I like Doogie a lot better. I hope he is there next time. He is nice and my other Dr. is very smart, so combined I have the best of both worlds. He also gave me some allergy medicine samples…I love samples!

PS I am soon going to switch to a different blog:; just a heads up. I want to be able to post pictures etc. I will let you know the official day of the change over.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Weightlifting Class from Hell

Why don’t I learn from my friends? I went to a body pump class here like Mindy. Mindy was lamenting about it, and yet, somehow, I thought my experience would be good.

What, am I some kind of sadist or something? Perhaps.

I truly can barely walk right now. My hamstrings and quads are as tight as drums.

The class in short, was awful. Here is why it is not my fault: 1. she gave no recommendations on weights etc. infact, she didn’t even tell us what we needed, I just followed everyone else’s lead 2. the warm up was basically nill; we were lifting weights within 5 minutes 3. we did virtually no stretching at the end

I am a victim, I tell you.

Actually, I should have just walked out of the class because my muscles were behaving weird (feeling tingly and tired) and I wasn’t feeling very into it. I didn’t even do all the lifts. I sat several out. I guess my weights were too heavy, but I went on the lighter end of what I saw others doing. Apparently, I am just weak

As the day goes on, the mobility decreases. I will be a cripple by night fall.