Angela's Blog

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The News From Room 405

As promised, here are the happenings on Danny's class:

from yesterday:
mr. c: anderson, you're pouting again
anderson: no, i'm not...
mr. c: you are, but my question is why...
anderson: mr. carlson you never let me be actin' like it's bad or something
mr. c: (look at him, befuddled, don't really say anything)
anderson (a look on his face like "ahh ha, i've got it): why would they have invented pouting if people weren't supposed to do it?

maybe he's right, now if i could only figure out who they are.

mr. c: alexis, how's the writing coming?
alexis: good
mr. c: what are you thinkin' about for that first paragraph after your intro?
alexis: (social justice issue for paper is how discrimination is unfair) i think i want to talk about how discrimination doesn't just happen at happens at people's work, in the street, people's houses, etc.
mr. c: okay, that sounds excellent. yeah, i think even talkin' about how discrimination happens in unexpected places, like church for example, would be especially interesting
alexis: mr. carlson (with an 11 year-old condescending look on his face) there isn't discrimination at church-that's god's house, he would never let that happen.

fatima: (after hearing a boy classmate burp, shakes her head in disgust, rolls her eyes and says) uugghh, that's so unappropriate...

mr. c: durice, get up off the floor (durice is dancing)
durice: ooooohhh, mr. carlson i'm so-sooor- soorrryy (relentlessly trying to apologize)
mr. c: show me you're sorry by not being disruptive
durice: (head down) i don't know what it is "i just get lost in the moment"

mr. c: isaiah, what are you learning about poverty?
isaiah: eeh, not much.
mr. c: what do you mean not much? what does poverty mean?
isaiah: eeeh, to not have money...
(10 minutes later)
isaiah: mr. carlson, mr. carlson (frantically waiving his hand in the air) quick come over
mr. c: what's up
isaiah: ((pointing to a statistic he had found, looks up at me with the B-I-G-G-E-S-T smile on his face (he has the widest smile, with the biggest, brightest white teeth)) and says..."i learned that i'm in poverty"

this last one is hard to explain, but it was hard not to chuckle a bit after a cute little african american boy looks you straight in the face, with a sort of proud grin, and proudly boasts "i'm in poverty." gulp.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I still got my mojo

I was reading a book for class, the Long Tail, on my way back from class on the Metro last night. This guy kept look at what I thought was my book (to see the title). Seriously, though, he was a starer.Then, he winked at me. I was getting off anyway. Clearly he saw my ring? Don't rings repell boys? Maybe he didn't notice (a girl would have for sure--no question) or maybe he didn't care? I got all flustered and starting digging in my bag unnecessarily and not looking at him and generally being awkward. Oh yeah. I have game.

Had a great time in MN. Got some wedding stuff done, saw Juice, Wags, Dr. R, MindyDear, and Natz. FUN TIMES! Wags is going to be out here this weekend with her mama. Hopefully will get to meet up. Danny is coming too.

Danny said we should check out this.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Springtime for Angeler

It's Spring time in Washington. AAhhh love it.

So not having a job (I have been reffering to myself as unemployed, which is only true for a week) is pretty awesome.

I had an awesome going away happy hour on Friday. Seriously good turn out and we were there until 10:45. Wow. Late.

Went up to NYC this weekend to see Dan. He's doing well. Besides the bus leaving an hour and half late, the weekend was so awesome. I love New York so much. I don't think I could handle living there, but a weekend is just perfect. We hung out around Columbia on Saturday, got some awesome cheap Thai food at Pam Real Thai Food (this place is seriously good and cheap, go if ever are in NYC), and did some shopping. Ed joined late Sat. We then met Ed's brother, Patrick, for perhaps the best brunch I had ever had at the Eatery.


on a whim...

we stood in line for rush tickets...



and we got...

two tickets...

which was amazing...

because they were front row seats...

and only $25 each...


there were three people in the group (me, Ed, and Dan). Ed decided he wanted to see the Drowsy Chaperone more. So we stood in line for rush tickets. We were on a roll. Unstoppable. I won this time (Ed won last) and got him a ticket for $25. Dan I saw Wicked, which was pretty f-ing awesome. Ed loved TDC, so everyone was happy. All for $25 each. Amazing.

Sunday afternoon is the way to go for rush tickets.

Note the use of trackbacks (hyperlinks). I am trying to increase my google ranking. Not really, but I did learn about that in one of my classes.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

No more complaining?

Could you give up complaining?